Programmes to skyrocket growth

Our programmes are tailored to help founders and their C-Suite tackle key challenges efficiently. The aim is to support you in achieving and maintaining rapid growth.


for early stage scaleups

Our Rise programme is designed for early stage scaleups aiming to accelerate their growth. With tailor-made sessions, we create a trusted environment where founders come together to share and conquer their biggest challenges. Learn from serial entrepreneurs and scaling experts to discover how much faster you can grow!

  • Curated cohort of 9 companies each quarter

  • Tailored for founders and one C-level executive

  • In-person weekly sessions for a duration of 8 weeks


for mature scaleups

Our Shine programme is designed for mature scaleups aiming to become the next Dutch unicorns. We tackle complex scaling challenges by facilitating meaningful connections and peer learning, with a focus on achieving massive growth sustainably.

  • Curated group of top-tier Dutch tech founders

  • For founders only

  • Quarterly sessions


for all stage scaleups

Questions about a specific topic? Let’s dive in! Our monthly Boost sessions each cover a different challenge or topic to propel your scaleup's growth. Gain insights from experts and peers, and get the tools you need to thrive!

  • Group size varies based on application numbers

  • For founders or their relevant C-level colleague

  • Monthly sessions on request