Rise Alumni Open Forum: Go-to-Market Edition

Amsterdam | November 28th, 2024
14:00 - 21:00

Ready to tackle your Go-to-Market challenges? The Rise Alumni Open Forum: Go-to-Market Edition is your opportunity to dive deep into this crucial area of business growth.

Not only does this session bring together Rise Alumni to tackle pressing Go-to-Market issues together, but as part of our End of Year Community Gathering, following the session you'll connect with over 100 members of the broader Techleap ecosystem, including founders, CEOs, and industry experts for an AMA with Bird founder Robert Vis, followed by dinner, drinks, and networking.

What's in it for you?

  • Bring any Go-to-Market challenge to the table and get valuable input from peers at similar growth stages who are facing or have overcome similar challenges

  • Engage in relevant discussions tailored to your specific hurdles and company stage

  • Benefit from focused groups, potentially split into B2B and B2C or by growth stage, based on attendees and submitted challenges

  • Experience a safe space to openly share your hurdles, insecurities, and questions

  • Gain diverse perspectives and actionable insights from fellow founders and top operators

G2M topics you might explore

Your Go-to-Market challenges could touch on various areas, including (but not limited to):

  • Team alignment: product, sales, and customer success

  • Market entry strategies

  • Customer acquisition and retention

  • Positioning and differentiation

  • Scaling sales and marketing

  • Growth models: B2B (e.g., sales-led, product-led) and B2C (e.g., viral, freemium)

  • Enterprise sales and marketing-driven acquisition

This session is ideal for...

  • Founders and/or CEOs who've completed the Rise programme

  • We have room for 1 person per company to attend this session

How to best prepare for the session

  • Submit a well-thought-through challenge:

    • Be concise and provide context

    • Explain why this is a challenge for you

    • Describe what you've tried and why it didn't work

    • Outline the factors influencing your challenge

  • Remember, you'll be getting input from fellow founders and top operators, not necessarily industry experts or advisors

  • Be ready to pitch your challenge in 1 minute or less—no exceptions!


  • 14.00-14.15: Walk-In

  • 14.15-15.00: Kick-off & Intros
    -short break-

  • 15.15-17.00: Breakout Groups for Peer Discussions

  • 17.00-18.00: AMA with Bird founder & CEO Robert Vis [with the wider Techleap for Scaleups community]

  • 18.00-22.00: Community Dinner & Drinks [with the wider Techleap for Scaleups community]

Connect with 100+ tech leaders

Following the Go-to-Market session, you'll connect with the wider Techleap for Scaleups community for an exclusive AMA with Bird founder and CEO Robert Vis, followed by dinner, drinks, and networking.

More than just sessions

These gatherings are more than just a group of separated sessions, they are invaluable opportunities to connect with our wider community of founders, C-Suites, and experts to exchange experiences, discover collaborations, and gain diverse perspectives.

So join us to strengthen existing connections and build new ones!

Key Information:


Thursday 28 November | 14.00-21.00


B. Amsterdam, Johan Huizingalaan 763A, 1066 VH Amsterdam

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